New Music: Incubus “Adolescents”

So, I know that my goal for the year is to discover more new music than I have in recent years, and I am doing that just fine (more posts to come regarding those discoveries, in fact).  However, I still have my loyalties to the music that shaped who I am today.  One of those bands happens to be Incubus. I’ve been following them since I was a freshman in high school back in 2000.  If you have never seen this band, you really need to.  They are pretty incredible.  They don’t put on the most flashy show in the world, but they are a perfect example of how good music, played well, does not need to have a show.  The music itself is the show.

In addition to their incredible live show, they are even better musicians.  The guitarist, Mike Einziger, recently returned to school (Harvard, as a matter of fact) to study music theory and composition.  It shows in this new song.  Anyone who pegged this band as nu-metal back in 1999 when “Pardon Me” came out and stopped paying attention after that is missing out.  “Adolescents” is not only musically solid, but also lyrically tangible.  As a member of the generation that has been put on hold, I can relate to the feeling that all is not well with the world, that I am not immortal, and that I really don’t know what tomorrow will bring.  It’s truly an interesting take on the adolescent theme.

Incubus’ new album, If Not Now, When? comes out July 12.  The band’s management has stated that North American tour will likely come at the end of summer, or early fall of 2011.

Also, if you haven’t heard, but are a die-hard Incubus fan, there is a social network of sorts devoted entirely to the band.  You can create a profile, participate in live chats with the band, visit fan forums, create groups, and get the latest updates from the band themselves.  It’s called Incubus World Headquarters.  You have to be invited.  Contact me if you are interested and I’ll send one your way.

Finally, if you haven’t heard it already, listen to “Adolescents” from If Not Now, When?

12 responses to “New Music: Incubus “Adolescents”

  1. Hey average guy,
    I saw the facebook thing for the Incubus world headquarters and I was wondering if you would be so nice as to send me an invite if possible. I was a part of enjoyincubus some years ago and I kinda just stopped following when everyone went off and did their own thing. I’ve been a fan since 98′ or so. I’m really interested in the world headquarters thing and if you could throw me an invite, i’d really appreciate it.
    Do you know how the invites went out? Like how or whatever? Totally wanna check this thing out…
    On a sad note, I’m from Jersey and was supposed to go see Chris Cornell last night in upstate NY, but the show was postponed like two hrs beforehand due to illness…Bummer was just in Dallas like two weeks ago and saw him there. Don’t know if you dig on him at all but if you get a chance go to one of those “songbook” shows…..
    Thanks ahead of time for anything you can do. Oh are you on Facebook also by any chance. I love this site btw…Christopher Martinovich

    • Sorry I took a while to get back to you, but I just sent an invite your way. You should receive an email from them soon! 🙂

      As for Chris Cornell, I liked Soundgarden growing up, and had a passing interest in Audioslave. I don’t know much of his solo work. I do know, however, that Soundgarden is coming to SoCal pretty soon. Maybe I’ll check it out!

      Thanks for reading!

  2. Hey man awesome site, I really think that this new incubus album is going to be unreal!

    I’ve been a huge fan of theirs for years and if you could invite me to the world hq, I’d really appreciate it!

    Also, if you’re looking to get into new music, check out a band called Protest the Hero, they’re nuts.

    Thanks a lot!

  3. Kelly Robertson

    Any way you could send an invite my way? I love incubus and need to keep updated with what they are doing? I would greatly appreciate it!!!!

  4. I would adoooooore if you could send an invite my way. You have NO idea! Thank you so much!

  5. Ruari Douglas

    Hey dude, loved the post!

    I’m from Scotland and needless to say am a huge follower of incubus. I see them posting Incubus HQ stuff all the time and was wondering if you could please please please send me an invite as it would mean the world to me!!

    Hope to hear back :)!

  6. Im very interested in becoming a member and if
    Possible to get an invite. I can’t wait for the new album. I’ve listened to aqueous transmission everynight for as long as I can remember. Thank you either way your post was excellent!

  7. I have been an avid fan but just barely heard about this HQ Live thing. It would be awesome if you could help spread the Incubus love and send an invite my way. Thank you. 🙂

  8. Can you please send me an invite!

  9. Hi there! So happy to find this post. Love Incubus and have for a very long time. My niece and I went to their concert last summer in NYC, it was GREAT! We will go again this year too. I would very much appreciate an invite! Thank you! Will continue to read on… 🙂

  10. Hello i ve been a n incubus fan for almost 15 years, I would really like an invite to the world headquarters page, so i can keep in touch with whats going on more closely with the band

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